Sunday, March 27, 2011

Naughty and fighty smiles

Swara has started with teeting...but luckily no trouble can be seen. Dr has suggested not to give her any medicine. I am giving her teeting soothe teething

Foodie Swara!

Food Items:
1. Breastfeeding 3-4 times a day
2. Cerelac - Cerelac wheat apple cherry/wheat orange/rice vegetables - twice a day
3. Bharadi - porridge of rice and moongdal - once a day in night
4. Seasonal fruits like Sapodilla(chikoo), banana, apple
5. Sweet lime juice, sugar cane juice in morning
6. Some daal rice (we call it as varan bhaaat) in nilght to help her develop taste
7. Suji(Rawa) salty porridge
8. Raagi porridge sweet/salty alternate day
9. egg yolk sometimes
10. Cooked rice with ghee,salt and some jeera powder
11. vegetable soups like spinach,potato,carrot,dal etc.

1. Bevon drops - multivitamin and multi mineral drops
2. Macalvit - calcium drops
3. Dabur janma ghunti in early morning

Recently I introduced bottle for water. Same is used to bottle feed ...but very less frequently. I am planning to breastfeed her till her age of a year.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Food items

1. Breastfeeding 3-4 times a day
2. Cerelac - rice and wheat apple - twice a day
3. Bharadi - porridge of rice and moongdal - once a day in night
4. Seasonal fruits like Sapodilla(chikoo), banana
5. Sweet lime juice, sugar cane juice in morning
6. Some daal rice in nilght to help her develop taste

1. Bevon drops - multivitamin and multi mineral drops
2. Macalvit - calcium drops
3. Dabur janma ghunti in early morning

Little angel masti masti

Now Swara has started rolling over. Actually it was expected
in her 5th month of age, but as doctor said, some babies directly start sitting. But Swara didn't miss it. now she is rolling over, trying too creep to catch the objects like toys on floor. So to motivate her for same, I am keeping her on floor, wiith mat and one thin chaddar plus plastic paper. Toys are just kept around her so that she can try more movements. Also she has stared laughing aloud in response of some activities.

She identifies some objects like baby (we call 'Bala') calendars...trees...vehicles...etc.
She identifies me and her pappa among people.
We take her for strolling around in garden in evening

Two little twinkling teeth can be seen now...
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