Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Swara's first school annual function

This was Swara's first annual function in playgroup. Yes she is going to school from Aug 2012 with a playgroup. She participated in a dance on 'Put ur left leg in, shake ur body like....do the boogie woogie...' , she was quite scared :( but finally performed well. My baby you are growing very faster.

Saturday, March 17, 2012

Talkative girl!

Dear all,
Sorry for such a big gap...almost 6 moths gone...no post..no sharing...

Now what to tell about the baby girl! She is becoming darling day by day. The first thing now attracts me and her pappa, is her word power. We both can't control ourselves from making her speak with those funny, sometimes so clear pronunciations.

She says, mamma, pappa, aai, baba, aaji, kaka, mama, dada, attu
As per your dressing she will call u. If you are in saree then kaku...auntie. If in jeans then you will lucky...Didi...

She can tell you body organs names...also some food names. Poli(Chapati), Bhata(rice), dudu(milk), chha (tea), pani(water), juice, popcorn, chiwda, bhaji(curry),

Also she has started singing the songs like Twinkle Twinkle, Baba blackship, ah...not only English but Marathi songs like Sang sang bholanath...ye re ye re pawsa...her cute pronunciations makes us very happy.

One very interesting this is about her Shiv Baba. Her baby sitter is member of Prajapita Brahmakumari Vishwa-vidyalaya. So she talks to Swara about some holy things. Also some prayers. While going to bed in night, she use to say 'Shiv baba, Zopate (I am sleeping)', very cute. We are lucky to have such baby sitter who takes care of Swara like her own grandma.

Will be writing something very soon...till then let me enjoy my wow motherhood...
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