Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Painful to Swara

We got shifted to our own flat this Jan.

One thing happened to my baby.....which was really painful and happened on the day of love, Valentine's day :( 

Swara had a small accident in which she got a fracture in her collar bone. My baby was crying for 3 daya, as it was paining her a lot. But luckily the fracture was minor, hairline. I am thankful to God! He saved her from some serious thing. I was so nervous to see her in that position of having sling in her hand almost for a month. But she is really courageous. She never made me to feel that something has happened to her. Same masti, joy with single hand. She is surely stronger than her mamma :)

But now she is fine. Started with the school and day care again. But during that one month, she was with me for full day and I won't forget those days. Love u beta. Here is picture taken on same day when she got the accident. Pretty girl forever!

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