Friday, May 22, 2015

Enjoying summer vacation

Swara my pillu is enjoying her summer vacations in Nashik, our native place.

This is for the first time she is without me. Even I am missing her a lot everyday, but she is not :)

I am happy that she is enjoying her vacations with family members. She was actually quite boared with daily routine of school, day care. Added to that, myself not well from last few months due to lower back pain, so days were getting passed only in treatment, doctor visits. So it's better she is in Nashik enjoying suttya actually for the first time. Marriages, garden play, visit to village, full of masti and relax time.

Just 2 days back she felt ill with throat inflammation and upset stomach. That was obvious, as each day was ending with icecreams. But now she is fine.

Love you pillu, hope to see you soon well. 
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